General Info

2013 Punto y Raya Short Film Call for Entries

This entry call was addressed to short films built up from dots and lines. No representation, only dots and lines as ends in themselves. Competition was open to all and had no entry fee. Of 371 films sent in, 94 films were chosen for the festival in Reykjavik.

Reykjavík Visual Music Live Cinema Call for Entries

This entry call was closed to LIVE SET proposals, that is, Music and Imagery produced or mixed in real-time. 

Under the motto Back to Basics, we inviteded visualists and musicians to focus on the expressivity of all the constituent elements of audiovisual art in its purest state: abstract form, color, motion & sound. Competition was open to over 18 years olds and there was no entry fee. We received 102 proposals and of those, 4 were chosen to perform in Reykjavik at the festival in 2014.

Contact Info

Reykjavik Center for Visual Music
Suðurgata 22
101 Reykjavik 

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